Edit Business | New Life Family Worship Center
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Story In October of 1992 God spoke very clearly to Pastor Jeff Schrimsher to organize a church in Loudon, TN. The Lord was very specific in the plans He had for this new work. It was around 9:00 A.M. on a Friday when Pastor Jeff, then only an evangelist, heard God speak the words, "It is time to build your ministry on the rock. You have been building on other men's foundations and now is the time to build on the rock!" The Lord then led Pastor Jeff to a store building on Grove Street in Loudon that was for sale. Jeff believed the building to be too small and not suitable for a church. That same night he wrestled in his sleep all night long until the next morning when he was awakened by the voice of the Lord which said again, "go back and look again." When Jeff returned to the store front building there was "for rent" sign on the front under the for sale sign that was not there the day before. Jeff called the number and when the owner arrived and opened the door, there were pews and a pulpit inside. Pastor Jeff knew then exactly what he had to do. After paying the first month's rent, God spoke to him to begin services on November 8th which he would later find out was on a Sunday. God also spoke that this would not be another church on the corner, or church as usual, but would be a church that would reach out to those who were outcasts. The Lord took Jeff to Luke 14 where the Lord's call was to the "lame, blind, the halt, and those no one else deemed worth anything." New Life Family Worship Center was birthed on November 8, 1992, where the first service began with 35 in attendance, most in tears, and all with a humble heart. Many years later the ministry is reaching out to 14 nations through mission and reaching thousands by television. New Life is also reaching out to hundreds through its weekly food distribution program. The church has a vision to continue to reach to all - the rich, the poor, the sick and well, the lost and the saved. We do these things until that notable day of our Lord Jesus Christ, when He returns for His bride! Mission To Preach and Minister to all peoples in our city, state, nation and all the world and make disciples of Christ and obey all the word of God
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Tennessee 72, 8735, 37774, Tennessee