Edit Business | Santaquin Police Department
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About The Santaquin City Police Department is a 24/7 provider of service and protection for the residents of Santaquin and Genola. Story The Santaquin City Police Department reserves the right to delete comments and ban users if the users or comments made are contrary to the vision, mission, or guiding principles of the police department. For those of you just joining us... This is a Police Department Facebook page. If you have reached it by mistake please feel free to click elsewhere. We will not post names, addresses, or mugshots. If you know the people involved in accidents, drunk driving, selling narcotics, or committing other criminal offenses, I would not get on this page and announce it. Please don't snipe us from anonymous screen names. The information will be documented and the post deleted. If you have a personnel question or problem there is an official process to make an officer complaint. A complaint form is available in the lobby of the police department. If you are unable to pick one up, please call our office and we will send you a form. The process ensures the integrity of all persons involved. Mission The Santaquin/Genola Police Department is an organization comprised of people of integrity, committed to providing total quality police service to its community in an honest, fair, professional and courteous manner. We will forge a partnership with the community based on mutual trust, confidence, commitment and communication to maintain and improve the quality of life and promote the safety and welfare of our citizens. The members of this agency pledge collectively and individually to constantly grow, develop and engage in reassessment to meet the current and future problems and challenges of our community. The Santaquin/Genola Police Department exists to meet the City's objectives for the safety and well-being of its residents. The mission is accomplished through people and knowledge, our most important resources. In the continuing pursuit of total quality, we are guided by the following values: Respect: We will recognize the worth, quality, diversity and importance of each other, the people we serve and the department Compassion: Integrity: Efficiency: Leadership: Impressum Santaquin City Library follows Resolution 12-03-2014 Santaquin City Social Media Policy. To review this policy, click on the following link: http://www.santaquin.org/images/stories/Government/Social_Media_Policy.pdf
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West Main Street, 275, 84655, Utah