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About MDOD advances the rights and interests of people with disabilities so they may fully participate in their communities. Story MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF DISABILITIES Serving as an advocate for Marylanders with disabilities and their families, the Maryland Department of Disabilities works in partnership with other State agencies to remove barriers and create new opportunities in education, employment, housing and transportation. Programs and Services: MDOD operates five programs providing services and information for the benefit of Marylanders with disabilities, their families, caregivers and service providers. MDOD programs include: • Access Maryland – Assists State agencies with ensuring that their facilities are in compliance with federal mandates requiring accessibility for persons with disabilities. The program provides funds to eliminate architectural barriers in State-owned facilities and provide programmatic access for Marylanders with disabilities. This • Attendant Care Program – The Attendant Care Program provides financial reimbursement to eligible individuals, 18 to 64 years of age, with severe chronic or permanent physical disabilities so they may live independently. • Constituent Services Program – The Constituent Services Program (CSP) provides information and referrals, resource listings and access assistance to individuals with disabilities, their families on all issues. • Employed Individuals with Disabilities – The Employed Individuals with Disabilities (EID) Program enables residents with disabilities who work and meet certain other requirements to receive Medicaid coverage for a small premium. MDOD provides outreach and enrollment assistance for this program administered by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. • Maryland Technology Assistance Program – The Maryland Technology Assistance Program (MD TAP) provides information and technology services to people with disabilities. Through the Assistive Technology Guaranteed Loan Program (ATGLP), MD TAP helps people with disabilities acquire assistive technology to improve their quality of life, independence and productivity. Mission Maryland Department of Disabilities advances the rights and interests of people with disabilities so they may fully participate in their communities.
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East Redwood Street, 217, 21202, Downtown, Maryland