Edit Business | Toyota of Lompoc
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About Contact your internet team @805-736-1295 Story MISSION STATEMENT To consistently exceed the expectations of our customers & associates so that Toyota of Lompoc is recognized as the dealership and employer of choice on the central coast. CORE VALUES ENERGY & ENTHUSIASM We will create a positive environment that produces energy & enthusiasm throughout the dealership. The energy & enthusiasm will be obvious and contagious to everyone that enters the dealership (i.e., customers & associates). ACCOUNTABILITY We respect Accountability and understand that it makes all of us better. We commit to holding ourselves and each other accountable. This discipline applies to behavioral and performance expectations. SERVANT MINDSET We believe in the concept of being a servant in both our business and personal lives. We commit to applying a servant’s mindset to our co-workers, those we manage and our customers. INTEGRITY We always do what is right, not what is easy, cheap, popular or convenient and we do so without excuse, regardless of the cost and regardless if anyone is watching. We have zero tolerance for lack of Integrity on our Team and will hold each other accountable without exception. EARN & DESERVE We believe that, in business and life, we are entitled to what we earn and deserve as opposed to feeling that others “owe” us. We understand what is expected of us and that we are evaluated based on the results we produce and how we produce them. SENSE OF URGENCY A Sense of Urgency means that we serve one another and customers quickly and find reasons to do things NOW, rather than to delay, debate or procrastinate. TEAMWORK The good of the Team comes before the personal comfort or agenda of any individual Team member. Our various departments and associates are all part of the same Team and we commit to working together through cooperation and synergy to promote a successful working environment that leverages all of our strengths. Impressum Making a Difference #MakingADifferenceTOL
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East Ocean Avenue, 203, 93436, California