Edit Business | Davis County Health Department
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About Healthy choices. Healthy people. Healthy communities. Story DCHD FACEBOOK COMMENT POLICY Thank you for following the Davis County Health Department (DCHD) on Facebook. DCHD participates in Facebook in order to engage individuals and organizations in leading healthier lives. DCHD provides content on Facebook to encourage participation with our science-based messages and discussion of health information. Posted comments and images do not necessarily represent the views of DCHD. External, non-DCHD links on this site do not constitute official endorsement on behalf of DCHD. While we encourage followers to share thoughts and opinions on the DCHD Facebook page, we expect this will be done in a respectful manner. DCHD does not agree with or endorse every comment individuals post on our page. Our goal is to share ideas and information with as many individuals as possible and our policy is to accept the majority of comments made to our profile. Therefore, a comment may be deleted if it contains: - Hate speech - Profanity, obscenity or vulgarity - Nudity in profile pictures - Defamation to a person or people - Name calling and/or personal attacks - Comments whose main purpose are to sell a product - Comments that infringe on copyrights - Spam comments (such as the same comment posted repeatedly on a profile) - Political statements supporting a particular candidate or party - Other comments the DCHD Social Media Team deems inappropriate All links posted as comments on DCHD posts will be reviewed and may be deleted at anytime. Repeated violations of this DCHD comment policy may cause the author to be blocked from the DCHD Facebook page. We understand social media is a 24/7 medium; however, our moderation capabilities are not. We may not see every inappropriate comment right away, and we are trusting in the maturity of our community to ignore personal attacks and negative speech or respond politely. Please contact the DCHD if you have questions or comments. Also note any information posted on this page, including messages in the Message box, are considered public record and fall in accordance with the Open Records Act. This policy is subject to change without notice. Mission Promote and protect the health and well-being of Davis County residents and their environment.
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State Street, 22, 84015, Utah